Home Hukum & Kriminal TNI AL Tangkap Kurir Penyelundup Ribuan Benih Lobster, Siapa Juragannya?

TNI AL Tangkap Kurir Penyelundup Ribuan Benih Lobster, Siapa Juragannya?


Banyuwangi (beritajatim.com) – Lanal Banyuwangi successfully thwarted an attempt to smuggle thousands of lobster seeds. The action was carried out by the Second Fleet Quick Response (SFQR) team of Lanal Banyuwangi.

“The thwarting and capture of lobster seed smuggling by the SFQR team of Lanal Banyuwangi. This smuggling of lobster seeds would certainly be very detrimental to the country,” said Commander of Lanal Banyuwangi, Navy Lieutenant Colonel (P) Hafidz, during a press conference at Mako Lanal on Monday (3/6/2024).

Hafidz said that lobster seeds have become a popular commodity to smuggle abroad. This situation has caught the attention of the government to prevent or regulate it.

“Where Banyuwangi is one of the areas that produces lobster seeds,” he said.

Lanal Banyuwangi deployed the SFQR team to prevent the smuggling of lobster seeds and to take action against these illegal perpetrators. The team’s task is to monitor every lobster seed harvesting activity in the Lanal Banyuwangi working area.

“Especially in the waters of the southern area, including Grajagan, Rajegwesi, Pancer, and Puger in Jember Regency, in accordance with the Lanal Banyuwangi working area,” he explained.

From this disclosure, the Navy successfully arrested two suspects. Each with the initials HS and MS who acted as couriers. Meanwhile, for the mastermind and anyone else involved, further investigation is still ongoing.

“They were carrying evidence of sand lobster seeds totaling 9,244 individuals, using a black sedan,” he explained. (rin/ian)

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