Home Hukum & Kriminal Rugikan Developer Rp16,4 Miliar, Kades Mulyodadi Wonoayu Sidoarjo Dilaporkan

Rugikan Developer Rp16,4 Miliar, Kades Mulyodadi Wonoayu Sidoarjo Dilaporkan


Surabaya (beritajatim.com) – PT DYM Director Retno Dewi reported the Head of Mulyodadi Village, Wonoayu District, Sidoarjo Regency to the East Java Regional Police for alleged fraud in the sale and purchase of 5.2 hectares of Gogol land worth 16.4 billion rupiah.

The evidence submitted during the report includes transfer documents, agreements with a notary, and also evidence stating that the land is not in dispute.

PT DYM’s legal representative Mustofa said that the purchase of this farmer’s land was intended for housing development, where all transaction processes were said to go through the village head of Mulyodadi.

“We never knew whether the money we had given through transfers and cash had reached the farmers or not,” said Mustofa.

Mustofa added that every time they tried to inquire about the progress of the land sale, the village head always evaded by claiming that the agricultural land was already clean.

However, before reporting to the East Java Regional Police, they were actually sued by another party claiming that the property had already been sold by the village head.

“When we received the lawsuit from the other party, we found out that we were the third buyer,” he said.

“Our hope through this report is to get our money back. We also feel sorry for the farmers who misunderstood, thinking that we were the ones playing around,” Mustofa emphasized.

Meanwhile, the sale and purchase of the Gogol land was conducted in March 2023. Where the amount of 16.4 billion rupiah was paid twice, with 10.9 billion transferred and the rest paid in cash.

“This payment did not all go through the village head, as there were also payments made through the village head’s aides,” he concluded. [uci/ian]

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